Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 8 of my 10 pound 10 day challenge!

Wow only 2 days left! 

I'm excited what result Saturday morning will bring. 
I tried my jean shorts on today and they fit perfectly without any horrible "muffin tops" going on!   Yea!!

I think you`ve probably guessed at this point that my diet has been more or less the same.

I followed the very high protein diet again today and will try to carry on with it for the next 2 days.

Ive also heard some great reviews of a similar diet called the "The Dukan Diet"
The theory behind the Dukan Diet plan is eating in phases, starting with a strict weight loss phase where you can eat foods from set list and then gradually easing your body back into real world foods.
If anyone has some personal experiences on this diet please comment below :)

I ate 5 meals, all were either eggs or meat. You can see the content on Day 6 of the Lose 10 pounds in 10 days..... 

As I explained on Day 3 I find it easy to lose weight if I keep to the same diet, I never have to think about a anything or try to count the cals during because its all very lean and healthy and I know it works.

If any ones follows this strict diet you will feel tired and drained during it, I have a few tricks to help me, I hope it helps you :)
  1. Never Eat Fast 6pm, If you have too only eat small meals.
  2. When it comes to the evening that`s when the sugar low comes into play, I recommend grabbing a cup of coffee, a slice of jelly or 2 Strawberries just to help you past it.
  3. Try to go to bed earlier, you resist temptation plus its proven if you don't get enough sleep your body holds onto the weight.
  4. Try to keep yourself busy in the evenings.
  5. This is the most important, BE PREPARED for the sugar lows, the tiredness, the fatigue and be prepared with your meals.
  6. Your body does not know the difference between food and water therefore drink a large glass of water if you have a urge.
So Based on my handy Fitday calculator I ate:

Amount                          Calories                 Fats               Carb                 Protein
2 Boiled Egg Whites            34                      .1g                   .5g                       7.2g

Meal #1
1 Cod Fillet
Amount                          Calories                 Fats               Carb                 Protein
Asian Style Basil Cod          280                      6g                   7g                        48g

Meal #2
Turkey Breast
Amount                         Calories                  Fats               Carb                 Protein
50g of Turkey breast             40                      .3g                   1.8g                    7.4g

Meal #3
1 Cod Fillet
Amount                        Calories                   Fats               Carb                 Protein
Asian Style Basil Cod        280                      6g                    7g                      48g

Meal #4
Turkey Breast
Amount                         Calories                  Fats                Carb                Protein
50g of Turkey breast           40                      .3g                  1.8g                   7.4g

Egg Whites

Amount                          Calories                 Fats                Carb                 Protein
2 Boiled Egg Whites            34                      .1g                    .5g                    7.2g

Meal #5
Amount                          Calories                 Fats                Carb                 Protein
100g Ham Sliced                272                    10.5g                   0                     26.7g

Calories Eaten: 700 Calories

I will admit I could not do any excercise today, Im totally tired. 

Nighty night all xxx

Abigail Konechny



  1. Hi Abigail, Thank you for all the valuable informations and advices that you are sharing!!
    I don't see day 9 and day 10 posted...did you follow the same routine as day #6?
    Thank you!

  2. Hi Susan,

    I never posted on day 9/10 as I followed the exact same menu as on day 8.....It was starting to sound very repetitive for my readers, lol :. Therefore for day 9 and 10 just follow day 8 menu plan!


  3. Thank you so much for everything!
